I have been awarded by the ever so lovely Jollygirl with the Blogger Recognition Award. :) rules and regulations: + Select 15 blogs to nominate. + Thank the person who nominated you, and give a brief story of how your blog got started and a piece or two of advice to new bloggers. + Attach the award itself! + Comment on each nominee's blog and let them know that you've nominated them. + Provide a link to the original post on Edge of Night. How My Blog Got Started: Well, at the time of building this site, my first blog, Loving Your American Girl Doll, had become unfulfilling for me. I didn't enjoy posting and it basically just stressed me out. So out of nowhere I decided to build and design this blog--originally a Dancer's Pointe, sometime in November of 2012 (November 11th, to be sort of exact). It was just a hobby blog until a few months later, when I decided to hunker down and post often. I wanted to share my writings, and have an infl...