Honestly, the things that work for all the big shot writers have always scared me. "I push through the writer's block." "I get up at 5AM to watch the sunrise as I write 1,000 words. Once I hit that goal, I stop and starve myself until the next day so I can continue writing." "I'm J. K. Rowling." "Writing is my life. Without it, I would die." It scares me because I don't work that way. I never have. I came into the writing game "late" so to speak. I only really started when it felt like the real world wasn't safe enough for me to live in anymore, and in order to escape, I had to make up my own. I would write for hours, staying up late (which was just past 10 o'clock back in those days -- nowadays "late" is after midnight), hiding the light of my laptop from my parents and always thinking about my work. I'm no longer like that now. Don't get me wrong! I love writing! I love...
Authenticity is attractive.