This has nothing to do with anything, I just really liked the photo. :}
[thank you pinterest, for the photo >.<]
* * *
I have so many questions, but I don't know where to start.
I have so many ideas, but I don't know where to begin.
I have so many thoughts, but I don't know where they end.
I have so many voices, but I don't know who to listen to.
I have so many songs, but I don't know what to sing.
I have so many feelings, but I don't know what to express.
* * *
Inspiration doth come and go,
Just as the people in your life enter and exit.
^ where did that come from? o.O ^
thanks for reading this extremely short, mish-mash of a post. <3
ohhh yes, yes, yes. this is me. <3