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feetsies & swings

You just gotta love [old, neon] green converse, bad photo quality, and [fat] dancer calves, right? ;} Well, you would think that it should be easy to get a good picture of your feetsies while your moving, but, uh, wrong. This was the best I could do--I sense there is no photography career in my future. o.O [though these were taken with my iPhone so maybe I shouldn't complain...]

Anyways, these lovely photos are from one of the days my family and I went to the park. I'm too big to climb the rock thing in the playground--*le sigh* big kid probs--and I'm too tall for the monkey bars [insert awkward vision of self with hands on monkey bars as I walk across]. So I went directly to the swings.

I felt alone, as I sat down on the swing beneath the shade of the nearby trees. I felt peaceful and calm and--not so alone when the rest of my family sat down on the swings too. They didn't deter the mood though. It feels nice to swing. To push off the ground and see how high off the ground you can get. [but never and I mean never, jump off. you may end up "fracturing" your arm...]

Have you ever tried to remove your over thinking mind from its wonderful world of contemplating, and just sat back to watch the world around you? To enjoy and embrace the feelings and emotions you may only feel once? Normally, I don't *try* to do this. Once my mind is thinking about something, it doesn't usually stop. But there have been time when I've been able to just shut it off, lean back in my chair--or cling to the swing's chains--and just watch things happen around me.

I love to watch the world moving around me, as I calmly swing back and forth. It's nice, to be able to remove yourself from your situation and just watch and listen, feel but not be a part of. Sometimes it's nice to just close your eyes and feel the movement of the world happening around you.

And it's always nice amazing when you get a text from your bestie. That always seems to brighten my day. ;)

Do you have a favorite playground activity? :)

thanks for reading. <3


  1. I love swinging. There's just something so dreamy and...removing about it. We have a playset in our backyard and even though I can swing as high as is possible on it in about three pumps, I still love going on it. I especially like park swings. The "swing" is just so big and airy.
    Anyway, that was a long comment. :)

    1. Yes, exactly. :) Haha, we have a playset too... Yes, park swings are the best. :D
      I love long comments. <3


  2. Oh my word, LOVE SWINGING!! haha =D

    Anyway, I got to 150 on Storyteller and I was wondering if you could do a blog design for my giveaway. I'm gathering together some awesome designers I know, and you immediately came to mind! :)

    I'd be honored if you did so!

    Thanks! :)

    1. Haha, you too? :)

      AHH! Congrats! Oh my goodness, I'd be honored. :D Will you need any information from me, or...? :}

      Thank you providing me with this wonderful opportunity. <3


    2. Yeah. =D

      Thanks! :) Well, I was thinking about having you email me at so that we could just get everything straightened out. ;) Sound good? :)

      You're welcome! Thanks so much for accepting!! :)

    3. :}

      No problem. :) Okay, sounds good. I'll email you soon. :)

  3. SO THOSE ARE THE FABULOUS NEON GREEN CONVERSE! I have been dying to see them. •-• And funny thing, I was just thinking about them and curious if you would wear them when we meet. O.o

    This post. You. asdfghjkl, FLAWLESS. It's like you read my memory and put it into words. <--- asdfghjkl memory. *hint hint* memory keepers... •-•

    Gah, I just can't get over your beautiful words. Wonderfully put. <3

    @ the last part: DAWWW SHUCKS! I had the biggest smile on my face when you mentioned me. :} thank you for making my day, again.



    P.s. I LOVE swinging on the swings at a park... I get very sad when some parks don't have swings. -_- ...I like to jump off of them, but I guess I should take your advice and not do that anymore... •-•

    1. Haha, yep. XP And I was thinking about that too! o.O I need to go find a decent outfit for our meeting. •-•

      Thank you. <3 Hehe, memory keepers... •-•

      Again, thank you. <3

      Aww, good. XD I can't wait to see that flawless smile.



      p.s. to dah p.s. SAME. HERE. •-• and well I guess you can...just don't jump off while your really high. •-• please. I don't want you hurting yourself...

  4. I love swinging!! But unfortunately there's no where in my neighborhood where I can. :( It's really relaxing to just swing and think and daydream. Especially if you're the only one in the park. :)

    1. Aww. :-/ And I agree... I always get lost in my thoughts when I swing. :)

  5. This is beautiful.... Oh my word, absolutely flawless, as always. Can't you just not be perfect for one day!? To post something so gorgeous about a playground activity? Ugh. p.e.r.f.e.c.t.
    The swings have always been and always will be my F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E.

    1. Aww shucks. You're WAY too sweet. Your comment made me smile. :)
      Yes. E.X.A.C.T.L.Y. :D



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All comments I receive are cherished for many hours after reading them. Thank you for taking the time to type something to me.

xx Nicole Rose

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