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The Best Experience in the History of Experiences

Last week, on September 13th, 2013, two amazing things happened.

  1. Niall Horan--of One Direction--turned 20! *sends glittery kisses into the wind* I didn't forget you, baby! I promise!
  2. I met up with the most amazing person that has ever come into existence.

^^^ *sniffles* Here is a photo of our good-bye hug. Kenz added the glitter. ;)

My family and I had to drive about three and half hours, to get to our meeting place--which was a beautiful Barnes and Noble full of amazingly exquisite books [it was quite heavenly].

The whole trip there I was bubbling with excitement. Rocking in my seat, tugging at my hair, belting out the lyrics to any songs I knew when they blasted out of the speakers. I had a little brother to my left, a window to my right and a present in my lap--and a stuffed Pikachu at my feet. o.O

Finally, we arrived at our destination. I cannot describe to you the feeling of walking up to that bookstore, and having a someone whom you haven't physically interacted with, burst through the doors and crash into your arms. I waited for over a year to get that hug. Over a year. And I must say, it was definitely worth the wait.

*sniffles then wipes cheeks* And this is a photo of our first embrace. *smiles through tears* Kenz initiated this hug. She shoved the doors open and just *BAH BAM* found her way into my arms. OH, you just don't know how wonderful that feeling was. Plus... *leans toward computer and whispers* she smelt good. Which was like, a bonus. o.O

After our embrace, we went inside, and I met her extremely beautiful family. Then we sorta just hung out among the books, stroking covers, giggling over fangirl details and such. It was pretty awesome.

And that my dear friends is the back of Mackenzie's head [ isn't it beautiful? <3_<3 ] This is what happens when you leave your sister to the photography portion of your Internet friend meeting...

After an hour at le bookstore we made our way over to Chipotle [dude, you gotta try it. it's an ah-mazin' Mexican grill/restaurant/place...]. And on the way, we had the most beautifully awkward conversation that went something like this:

Me: are even more beautiful in real life. •-•

Kenz: Oh gosh, no. •-•

Me: Oh gosh, yes. (•-•)-<3

Kenz: Mhm, okay. •-•

Me: It's true. Don't deny meh.

^^ Why am I so awkward?

And after a laughter-filled meal--and a gift exchange [we both got each other "The Fault In Our Stars"!]--it was time for our good-byes...


^^^ our "un-glitter-ified" good bye hug.
...sheesh, my hair is all over the place! >.<

I can tell you that good bye felt like I was ripping my heart out of my chest. Before we parted she gave me the most beautiful drawing--which I am clutching in my hand in the picture above.

Here is a photo of it. *sniffles* I framed it as soon as i got home. I think it's the start of my best friend shrine. o.O

^^^ psst...if you look closely enough you can see I have glitter on my forehead...
Yeah, it was part of my "parting gift". •-• [thank you Koren. <3]

Mackenzie is a quiet soul.
A very beautiful, quiet soul.
She didn't say a lot.
But she didn't have to.
Just seeing her smiling face
and feeling her embrace was
something words could ever describe,
no matter how far you stretch them.

Thank you, Kenz.
And remember;
I love you.

thanks for reading. <3


  1. Mademoiselle Moi20.9.13

    ROSSSIEEEEEE! <3 I'm dead again.

    1. Mademoiselle Moi20.9.13

      To continue (I just had to be the first one to comment) : I am going to find you two girls and kidnap you and take you to a mysterious old bookstore (full of filtering rays of light and ancient specks of dust). And you two are going to be *cough* my people, and I shall make it that you will never depart; not on this earth, not in the eternities, not EVEH! And each day I'll come ask if you need anything else, but with each other you'll most likely say, "Nope, thanks" at the same time, and then erupt into gorgeous fits of laughter. And I'll smile and understand, and go back to my prayer of overwhelming gratitude to my God and my King who has in His infinite love brought meh tearfully perfect match of best friends together. And you can have any food you want, and you can read any book you want, and you can do ever so many things, and your dreams will come true each day, and magic will swirl around you, and angels from Heaven will protect you, (and when I say you, I mean Rosie+Kenz), and your family[ies] can (will) come see you, and every day it will become more real and you'll see that it's not a fantasised dream anymore: it's the beautiful truth.


    2. Oh Les... *sniffles* That was beautiful. Just beautiful. <3

      I would actually quite appreciate if that happened. I want to be with my Kenz again. And such a scenario would be a perfect bringing together, no? Thank you so much for your comments. I really appreciate them. <3

      I wish I had more to say, but your comment/s have left me utterly speechless. <3


    3. [Once] Les21.9.13

      You don't have to have anything more to say; as always, your coherent reply left me in a fit of joy. Which is good, by the way. :)

    4. Aww, I'm so glad. XD <3

  2. That's so great!! :) (On a side note... I.LOVE.CHIPOTLE. :D)

    1. Thank you, Anna. :)

      Awesome! :D A fellow Chipotle lover! \(>.<)/


    1. Mademoiselle Moi20.9.13

      Golly, Rosie, you NEVER EVEH told me that you had this epic, flawless sister; whyyyy? I'm convinced that every Colflesh in history was born that-a-way. Kudos.

    2. @ Morgan: I know, right? It is, and I'm quite glad you got a photo of it. I could just stare at her--I mean, her head, all day. XP

      @ Les: Aww, thank you! You're too sweet. <3

  4. why didnt i see this earlier.
    This post made my cry. it did.
    i dont know why.
    but...its so touching. ♥
    im so jelly. of your guys flawlessness.
    i dont know how you could even say goodbye..

    1. I-it made you c-cry? Oh jeez... Here, *holds out tissue box* Have an Internet tissue.
      Flawlessness? There isn't any over here but if you look at the *flawless* red-head in the photos above you'll see plenty of flawlessness. ;}
      It was hard. Really, really hard.

  5. That is so awesome!

  6. Jealous!!!
    Anyway, I'm so very glad you two got to meet!!! I'm sure it was the time of your life!!! You've given me hope that I'll meet my cyber-besties on day <3 I'm sure it was so hard to say goodbye! D:

  7. OH, and I gave you the Liebster award on my blog!!! :D I'm sure I'm not the first ;)


    1. Aww, really? I'm so glad. <3 It was the hardest good-bye I've ever had/experienced.

      Thanks for awarding me! :D


  8. this is so sweet. <3 you two are seriously amazing.

    1. thank you. <3
      and I don't know about me, but I know for sure that Kenz is. :}

  9. This is one of the most sweetest things ever! You two are so adorable and pretty. I hope you get to meet again one day. <3


    1. Aww shucks, thanks Hannah. :)
      Oh, we will. ;)




    So, yeah...that's basically all I can say right now. •-•

    I wish I could meet Kenzie again...and it would be even more amazing if I could meet you, too. <3

    I love both of you girls so much!! <3

    xx emma ||

  11. I nearly died when I read this. •-• I actually read this yesterday and was about to comment when my computer shut down...Anyways, THAT IS AWESOME. <3 Me jelly. Very jelly. * sniff * Well anyways...You guys are amazing. •-•


  12. I'm so glad for the both of you!!!! <3 Danielle

  13. sounds like you had an amazing trip! so happy for you! thanks for following me on GFC!! followed you back!

  14. happy anniversary, sweet friends. ❤


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xx Nicole Rose

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