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Zarek -- [Fictional] Character

Zarek! >.< [ © ]


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Alright guys, say hello to one of my favorite self-made characters, Zarek. *waves* Hey Zarek! Now, Zarek here is the semi-star of one of my current-yet-not-current story/book in the process...project. o-o I shan't share with you the name because 1. I love it so much. 2. I like torturing my readers (sorreh). And 3. I don't even know what it means yet. So, hang in there guys. >.<

Anyways, I wanted to share with you my character because...I am seriously so dry on creativity right now that I am sharing with you something from on of my previous creative endeavors. <-- I don't even know if I used this word right but it sounds cool. :} *clears throat* So, um, yeah. Here is a little snippet of Zarek in action.

Note: This is a writing a progress, so it's rough. And also, all these words are mine and mine alone and if I see them reproduced anywhere I will probably explode and cry... Just so you know, you should not make Rose explode and/or cry. Bad things will happen. O_O

Excerpt from...Rose's story:

(Another note: This is written in first person, in the POV of a girl name Seraphina. If you'd like to read more about her, and more of my story, go HERE.)


Gavin leads us into a large stone room full of bustling, chatting people. They wait in line at a counter, sit at tables, talking in hushed whispers as they lean over their food. I get a few glances as step in, but when Zarek walks in behind me, the room seems to go silent. Wide eyes weighed not only on me, but Zarek, as we’re both frozen in the doorway. I wonder if it’s just me. If I’m imagining it, or if maybe they don’t get visitors that often. I manage to shuffle to the side, watching the eyes drift away and stay locked on their real target.

“Zarek,” I state in a low tone. The eyes lock on me, but all I see are his. Their wide and pleading, sorrowful and searching. “Come on.” I gesture toward the line, and he steps toward me. I force a smile, continuing to coax him toward me. As he walks the chatter begins to pick up again, and everyone seems to forget that the white-haired boy with dark eyes even exists.

Zarek grunts, nodding his head toward Gavin. Their eyes connect and Zarek makes more hand motions.

“Thank you.” Gavin states and I turn toward him. He keeps his gaze locked on Zarek’s moving hand. “For helping me—him.”

“Oh, you’re welcome.” I look between them both. “Both of you are.”

Zarek gives me a small grin, his teeth peeking out between his lips. “Come on, let’s get some food!” Gavin calls back to us, picking up a tray. Zarek gestures his hand, the grin still in place, and I move forward to pick up a tray.


Well, that's 275 words for yah.

Here are some questions to rock your brain:

Who is this Gavin dude?

Why is everyone staring at Zarek?

What's with the grunting? o.O

So, uh, what do yah think? ...yeah, I thought it was boring too. But I can't give you everything I've written or it'll spoil the whole story! \(o-o)/ And nobody likes spoilers...

Alright, well, that's it for now! Thanks for reading this.
I hope you have a blessed day. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ZAREK MEH BABY, I SORTA HELPED CREATE YOU. O-O He is perf. Oh my gosh, is he deaf? Or did he lose his voice? Anyways, you are perfect and just amazing... You really need to send me more of this book darling. I was just recently thinking about it. •-•

    *cough* your labels *cough* spoiler *cough* <--- please tell me you understood that. •-•




  3. That's so cool! You're an incredible writer, girl :)
    Who is this Gavin dude? I have no idea!
    Why is everyone staring at Zarek? Because he's white and they aren't?
    What's with the grunting? o.O I dunno

  4. I like all the mannerisms of the characters, the hand waving, the grunts. :) You make your scenes come alive so quickly!

  5. I can't wait to hear the rest of it! It sounds soooo good!


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xx Nicole Rose

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