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I have so many ideas, and so little time...


I've created a writers group, so I can check that off my list of dream tasks (huzzah!) but now that I've completed one task, I've come to reveal that I have a whole other bunch of ideas to set upon making real, as well.

I want to--oh so badly want to--create a writers support group, in the form of a collaboration blog. Mackenzie and I had considered doing this, but since we haven't talked much lately, I guess... Well, maybe there are some volunteers out there who would like to help me make this idea come to life? Hm? If not, it's alright, I may have to postpone this dream for a (small) while anyway because I am very busy grooming other dreams. Like...

+ My writers group. As mentioned previously, this group is to help me prepare my manuscript for publication, but is very much still in the "forming phase".

+ (The research of) Getting my book(s) published. Gosh guys, this is going to be a lot harder than I thought (did you know an author must do most of the book publication themselves? Talk about scary...), but I am going to pull through! I'll have bestsellers flying off the shelves in no time. ;)

+ My other writing projects. Pft. Did you really think I could only focus on one WIP at a time? Eh, no. That's now how Rosie rolls. ;) I live to overburden and stretch myself by forcing words to transport from thoughts in my brain, to typed words on a screen. (Hey, did you know that first drafts are allowed to be bad? Talk about a time saver.) I have book two to my currently "getting edited" manuscript on the way to the cut-clip-reword process, and I have a stand alone book that I'm very close to wrapping up on as well (I'm so close to the end, I can taste the tears of happy-sadness...).

+ Learning how to drive. My mom says I'm not that bad, but she's not the one who drove the car onto the sidewalk. (Hehe, okay, this is an exaggeration, I promise, so don't freak out on me.)

+ My design blog/business. Wow. Just, wow. Who knew that designing blogs could be a such a time taker? (Uh, you did, Rose.)

+ A TOP SECRET PROJECT I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT AND GOSH I SURE HOPE IT WORKS OUT. All I can say is: Those who want to grow in this, will surely thank me. Hopefully.

What about you, m'dears? What are you doing to grow yourselves? What are you doing to bide your time? What are you working on? :)

Thanks or reading. <3

Nicole Rose

PS. I'm pretty sure that
(A) I have a "new found but it's always been there" love for lists, and
(B) a "new found almost turning into a habit" love for parentheses
(oh no! [help me {it's getting worse...}]).


  1. Hey Rose, if you want... I can volunteer to help you!! What exactly do you need help doing...? :)

  2. GAH, so exciting. I love hearing that other writers are working on their writing diligently...It makes me feel all warm inside. :3 XD I would like to publish some of my work someday, but it is far from complete. Far, far, far...
    Oh my gosh, you're learning how to drive?! So exciting, too! :P
    Your designs are simply wonderful, Rose. I was wondering if you could maybe design my blog if you're not busy, sometime in the future?

    As of now, I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo. I'm actually ahead in my word count! Whoo! XD

    Yours Truly,

  3. It's so cool you're looking into publishing your books! That's just awesome. :) Yay for Rose! :D


  4. I would absolutely LOVE to create a collaboration blog with you <3 That would be so much fun and oh my gosh *fangirls* a blog, with YOU?!!!!!!
    That is so cool that you're publishing your book(s)! I really want to do it, but I feel like
    a) my ideas aren't good enough at the moment
    b) I'm not really sure where my current story is going
    c) I have a lot of other things crowding my life right now
    d) nobody would read my book anyways....

    Let me know about the collab blog - we can make it happen. ;)


    1. You would? :D Oh, I'd love to create a blog with you. It would be an honor. <3

      Thank you. Gosh, I know those feelings, m'dear. They're not cool. Like at all. -.- I think you should believe in yourself though, because I believe in you. Just keep pushing yourself to grow. It's amazing. :)

      And if "nobody" would read your book, I guess I am nobody. ;) Nobody wants to buy twenty copies of this book by the amazing Bethan. Nobody wants Bethan's autograph. Nobody loves Bethan. (o_o)-<3

      Will do. :D

      Thank you for commenting. <3

      Nicole Rose

    2. Oh my gosh, yes, definitely! Noooo, it would be an honour for meeeee. <3

      Thank goodness I'm not the only one to have self esteem issues... Thanks. :)

      Haha, awww, love you too Rosie! <3 I want to buy and WILL buy twenty copies of your book when it's published and I want your autograph. :)

      Thanks. XD and no problem! <3


    3. I would totally read your book Bethan! Your writing is AMAZING, and I'm not just saying that! I can't wait to read your story for C.C.C.WC (I've only read like, two chapters but I'm i can't wait to read it when it's all done!)
      Oh, and sorry that I haven't posted the new chapter thing yet

    4. I will get to posting soon! :)
      Rosie, of it's ok, I would love to help you with your writing blog/group! :)

  5. Hey Rose,
    Sorry to be commenting with a question...
    I just know that you are a very amazing and knowledgeable designer, and so, I want to ask:
    On the blog you designed, Pretty Things & Polka Dots ( , there is a lovely css action on her tabs/pages (home, about, contact).
    Or, at least I think it is CSS.
    If you wouldn't mind (which, if you do, don't worry, I understand), would you tell me how to do that? :) :)
    You have been such a big help to me.

    1. Hello. :)

      Don't be sorry - I love it when people comment with questions. :)

      That CSS action was created with the following code:

      #PageList1 a:hover { padding: 10px;
      background: pink;
      -webkit-transition: all 500ms ease;
      -moz-transition: all 500ms ease;
      -ms-transition: all 500ms ease;
      -o-transition: all 500ms ease;
      transition: all 500ms ease; }

      The padding gives the text some room to be seen and the background adds color. The next 5 lines of code slow the transition just a tad, making it stand out. Does that help? :}

    2. OK, so, I have another question. How are you so amazing??! Is it even possible?
      Thank you SO much, it works like a charm.

    3. But...if I were trying to use it on the comment link, what code would I use?

  6. I think it is cool that you are trying to get your books published- Jollygirl from the blog:

  7. You sound busy! Do you sneak in time for sleep?

  8. Oh My.......... collaboration blog???? With YOU???? I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!!! OH MY GOSH. THIS IS LIKE....

  9. I volunteer. :)) Seriously. I would love to assist in any way I can. :D
    AND OH MY GOSH! When you get your book published, I want it. (>o.o)> l I *le me grabbing your book* Just let me fangirl for a minute. :P

    xxx. Kayla

  10. (if it's of consequence or significance, a lassie called Leslie Violet would adore to be part of this rumoured collaborative blog...)

    and besides that, "so many ideas" = nothing could be truer. it's all in the mind of dreamers. :)

    I love you, sweet friend!


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All comments I receive are cherished for many hours after reading them. Thank you for taking the time to type something to me.

xx Nicole Rose

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