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YAWP 2014

Hello! Today's post is dedicated to telling you about the first week of my writing camp. :)

Note: I was going to tell you about each day to day activity, but seeing as how I am referring back to my memory, and not written notes, I've decided just to pour my discombobulated words into this post. Hopefully you will be able to decipher them as you read on.

The first day I was the complete definition of a nervous wreck. I was excited and anxious, because I didn't know anyone and I was so, so ready to learn something new (and so, so ready to write).

The room was buzzing with activity when I stepped in. I was asked to "sign in", make a name tag, then find a seat. The noise of the room was overbearing and I feel as though I stood stupidly in the middle of everything, still trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. Eventually, I migrated over to sit down on some random empty seat at a quiet table.

The room slowly settled down, and the camp leaders gave us some information about what was going to happen as the camp went on. It was only three hours long, each weekday, so we could sign up for two "sessions" a day, decided on what we personally wanted to do. I remember on the first day I did free write, because I was so excited to work on a story I shared with you guys a while back. I had gotten an inspiration and couldn't stop typing.

That's when I met Maya. We kinda drifted toward each other, and I said awkward things to her as we borrowed laptops, and settled down on a wobbly table together (all the chairs we very, very small, and there weren't many, in this section of the building).

After free write, we snacked and I had quiet conversations about random things with the girl sitting next to me, Lolly, my other new writing friend.

A conversation I and a few others had with a camp leader sparked the idea of putting up a book suggestion board. It was swarmed immediately, with people smacking the titles of their favorite books onto it. The first book suggested? The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green. Whoever put that there... I love them.

At the end of each day we did this thing called "read around" where people would break off into smaller groups, and read something they had written to the group they were in. I was mainly grouped with ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders, and let me say there were some very talented souls in that group. They were so talented, I'm afraid, that I didn't have the courage to spill any of my words to them--though I knew I was going to keep my mouth shut no matter what.

As the week progressed I got more comfortable being in a large room full of kids I didn't know. I got a lot of writing done, and learned many things about genre, character development, and even just people. On the third day--Wednesday--we walked to the nearby library, and sat in the grass, writing to a prompt we were given. At most times I find prompts limiting, so I didn't stay on course. I veered off, scribbling about summer breezes and how great things smell.

The process of the whole camp was so immensely beautiful--and I can't wait to tell you guys more about it. :)

If you have any questions, or just want to say something random, comment below. I love hearing from you guys. :)


  1. Aw, that sounds like an amazing experience!

    Love you!


  2. That sounds so wonderful. I am now feeling inspired to think that maybe someday, I will too join a writing camp...
    I hope you continue to enjoy your time there, dear, and I know your writing out come will be brilliant.

  3. PS: Thank you so much for putting my button on your sidebar ♥♥♥

  4. Writing camp sounds amazing.

  5. Love your blog, check mine out when you get a chance chick. Let me know your thoughts. xxx


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xx Nicole Rose

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