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6 Books I'm Looking Forward To Delving Into

41865 22918050 7171637 Attachments The Storm (The Rain, #2)

1.) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Yeah yeah, I know I'm late to join the party, but I've finally gotten over myself and decided it's time. I know some people who are obsessed over this series and I'd like to see what there is to obsess about (plus I have this personal thing where I can't watch the movies until after I've read the book...).

2.) The Heir (The Selection #4) by Kiera Cass

ERGH. I am so excited for this book! The One was an easy read and I flew through it. Once I was done I couldn't get it through my head that the story was over - and I'm so glad it isn't. I can't wait to see what Kiera will come up with next. :)

3.) Untitled (Firebird #2) by Claudia Gray

I finished the first book in this trilogy a couple months ago and I seriously can't wait for this to come out. Things were great then they went bad and they got good again - and then the book ended (I hate when this happens -_-). So as soon as this book is released I'm going to snatch it up and indulge myself with the glorious story Claudia Gray has created.

4.) Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I've only read a few of Rainbow's (#nameenvy) books, but when I have, I escape from the world and get sucked into the book until I read the words THE END. This is one of the most wonderful feelings there is, so I can't wait to see - or better yet, read, this wonderful masterpiece.

5.) Clockwork Angel (The Inernal Devices #1) by Cassandra Clare

I read the TMI series and knew - instantly - that I was going to read all the books written and to be written by the ever so amazing Cassandra Clare. Her writings are lengthy but well worth the read. Her stories are true masterpieces - which makes me crave to read this book.

6.) The Storm (The Rain #2) by Virginia Bergin

I just finished the book that was written before this one, and the ending made me really unhappy, so I'm glad (more like ecstatic) the author is writing another book. I'm eagerly counting down the days until its release (GAH) so wish me luck. Hopefully I won't go insane from book deprivation before then. o_o

+ + +

You can stay updated on my reading progress by going to my goodreads profile and adding me as a friend. :)

What are you looking forward to reading?


  1. omg I love The Selection Series! ^^ If you have't read the Cinder series yet then you should, it's kinda a little bit similar to The Selection :)

  2. I'm so excited for The Heir to come out as well :) I really loved the entire series and I am excited to see what happens next.
    -Lauren <3

  3. My mother is utterly obsessed with the Twilight series to the extent in which, if I have a friend over, she will hog tie them to the couch and make them watch the entire series from beginning to end (while giving commentary on what's accurate to the book and what's not.) lol <3

  4. I've never read any of these. There was a lot of hype about Twilight a few years back, but it doesn't seem so intense anymore. I never read them though. I was thinking about it, but I never got a copy and I never found the time. Enjoy reading!

  5. I liked the Infernal Devices series over TMI, but that may be a bit of an unpopular opinion. I kind of have read the Twilight series, but when I read it, I was a bit confused. Perhaps I should read the series again!

    xoxo Morning

  6. If these are books you're interested in, I'm definitely gonna check them out. I've noticed that your taste is quite...well, to put it lightly, brilliant. ♥

    And, Rose, oh Rose! I just realized that you have my button on your sidebar, and...gosh.
    I cannot tell you how much that means to me. Thank you so so much. x
    You've made my day. But, really. I wasn't feeling great...and then I saw that. :)



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xx Nicole Rose

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