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Be a doer, not a dreamer - make your goals SMART


It's officially the new year and you know what that means, don't you?


Now personally, I'm not the resolution setting type - only because I really don't want to turn into that person who promises to do things for the new year but doesn't quite get around to them. Over the years I've mostly just been that person who doesn't bother with goals or promises, but instead ignores what I did over the past year, hopes I learned from my mistakes, then continues on with what they're doing.

Well, not this year (oh boy, here we go).


This year, I have goals. A list of things I will complete by the end of the year. They are listed below.

Each of these goals has a plan of action and a timeline set to help them on their way. But how can I be sure these goals will get accomplished? How can I be sure they're what actually needs to be done? How do I know I'm not wasting my time?

After searching the web and coming across a helpful webinar, I discovered the key to unlocking goals with potential.

I need to create SMART goals.

But hey - what's a S.M.A.R.T. goal?

A SMART goal is:

  • Specific - what, how and why.
  • Measurable - gives you the evidence you need so say you accomplished the goal.
  • Achievable - the goal should challenge you, but not pose as too much of a challenge.
  • Results-focused - the focus is on the results, not the activities.
  • Time-related - should be wrapped in a certain time frame or limit.

(For more information, visit this helpful page.)

The real question is; how to you determine your goals are SMART?

Determining S.M.A.R.T. goals

First, ask yourself these questions:

  • What will this goal accomplish?
  • How will you measure if the goal's been reached?
  • Is it possible?
  • How could you benefit from the accomplishment of this goal?
  • When does this goal need to be completed?
Download this free printable to help you sort out your SMART goals. :)
Now we see that growing creative and widely free isn't really a SMART goal, but it's something I want to accomplish, so I threw it up there anyway. ;)

Something to take away: not all your goals have to be SMART, but your plans would definitely improve if they were. :)

What are your SMART goals?

xx Nicole Rose


  1. Ah, yes, the writing and struggles of editing, the struggles! :) It's easier to procrastinate but doing that, nothing gets accomplished. Hope you accomplish your resolutions and have an amazing New Year!

    xoxo Morning

  2. Happy new year, Rose! Your new design looks really nice. :)


  3. Happy New year, Rosie!
    You've made lovely resolutions! <3

  4. Happy New Year, Rose! Love your resolutions. ^-^

  5. You have an awesome blog!


  6. Love your resolutions, and your blog! The design and content is so awesome. You are really pretty btw!

  7. These seem like very well thought out resolutions, nice job!

  8. Great goals for this year! S.M.A.R.T. goals are definitely key and it looks like you are set up for a great 2015 :)
    Amy @


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xx Nicole Rose

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