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How To Talk About Your Blog (In Real Life)

Hey bloggers! I hope you're all out on summer vacation, having fun, chillin' and all that. ;) I've been incredibly busy over the past few weeks. I went to several graduation parties before summer officially started for me, and basically sat around and ate a lot of good food. Can you imagine how tiring that was?

Anyway, at one of the parties I went to I sat with some adults and we conversed casually about homeschooling and amusements parks. The conversation eventually came around to me, because I'm going to be a senior (yikes) and I was asked the simple question: Do you know what you want to do?

I told them about my blog and about how I love to help bloggers by designing their websites for them.

They asked for more information, and I left the party feeling ecstatic because that was the first time I'd ever talked about my online life with others - and enjoyed it.

On the way home I began compiling this list of tips to help you talk about your blog IRL (in real life) too. :)

Casually bring it up.

"So, what do you like to spend your time doing?"

"Oh, you know. Stuff. What do you like to do?"

"Me? I like to blog."

"Really? That's cool. Tell me more."

When I was younger, I would have answered that question differently. Way differently. I was under confident in myself and my blog, so talking about my online life was a personal no no. Now, I'm trying to break free of that. If someone asks me what I like to do I'm prompt, honest and open.

Take the opportunity.

It's scary to out yourself out there and talk about yourself - and your blog (that thing you spend 25/8 of your time on). That's why you need to jump on it when someone brings up any question that you could potentially answer by sneaking your blog into it.

Don't be too hard on yourself if an opportunity arises and you don't take it. You have to trust your gut instinct on this, and if you truly feel that it's not the best time to bring it up, then it may be best to wait for a little while.

Be bold.

But not so bold that your casual humanoid friend is compelled to walk away or change the subject. Be gentle but firm. If they don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it - but don't assume they don't want to talk about it. You'll never know until you bring it up.

Disclaimer: This can be hard.

Especially if you blog about things people don't "normally" talk about in casual conversations, like periods or psychological mindsets (but if you happen to hang out with people who do talk about that stuff, you need to jump on that opportunity ASAP, babe).

It all depends on the person and the circumstance.

So don't force it.

But I don't want to talk about my blog...

That's okay, because you don't have to. Talking about your blog to your close friends and family is one thing, but talking about it with people you hardly know? That's scary. Ultimately, this is your choice, so do as you please and stay true to yourself. But don't let fear rule your life (this is pretty hypocritical of me to say, seeing as how I'm battling many fears right now). Be brave, young soul, and take a tentative step toward the unknown. Use this as a chance to grow - both yourself and your site.

After all, scary things aren't so scary the second time around.

Do you talk about your blog?

If so, to who? Comment below with your answer. I'd love to start a discussion with you. :)

xx Nicole Rose


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