This is a transparent monthly reflection where I take the time to look back, view my progress and make adjustments. Monthly Project: Hand write a letter to someone I love and send it. Sadly, I did not do this. Time slipped away and I didn't make this one a priority. Better luck next month, Rosie! Health → Exercise 3 days/week, drink 65oz. water/day Exercise checked off in bullet journal habit keeper: Yes → I exercised 14/13 days. Water checked off in bullet journal habit keeper: Yes → I drank 65 oz. of water 11/31 days. Relationships → Reach out to one new person a week How many people I reached out to or met: 5 Did I ask them a deep/personal question? Yes and no. Did I record my encounters? Yes. Finances → Grow to $7k/month I earned $585 this month: No If no, how much money did I make? $75 Career → Prep book for publication I chose a book: Yes → The Messy Months: August to December I began editing The Messy Months: Yes I edited a full ...
Authenticity is attractive.