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January 2017 | Goals + Emotional Progress

This is a transparent monthly reflection where I take the time to look back, view my progress and make adjustments.

Monthly Project: Hand write a letter to someone I love and send it.

Sadly, I did not do this. Time slipped away and I didn't make this one a priority. Better luck next month, Rosie!

Health → Exercise 3 days/week, drink 65oz. water/day

Exercise checked off in bullet journal habit keeper: Yes → I exercised 14/13 days.

Water checked off in bullet journal habit keeper: Yes → I drank 65 oz. of water 11/31 days.

Relationships → Reach out to one new person a week

How many people I reached out to or met: 5

Did I ask them a deep/personal question? Yes and no.

Did I record my encounters? Yes.

Finances → Grow to $7k/month

I earned $585 this month: No

If no, how much money did I make? $75

Career → Prep book for publication

I chose a book: Yes → The Messy Months: August to December

I began editing The Messy Months: Yes

I edited a full draft: No, but I DID do a full draft read through to mark loose threads, plot holes, character inconsistencies and so on.

Personal/Spiritual Development → Memorize 1 scripture/week, Earn my Bachelor's degree

How many scriptures did I memorize this month? 0

I reviewed and recited these memorized scriptures: No

I began college Algebra class: Yes

Play/Recreation → Write 500+ words/day

I wrote 15,500 words this month: No

If no, state how many words written this month: 7500 (48% of goal)

Average of (about) 242 words a day.

Service → Post on my blog (at least) once a month.

I posted this month on Self Known: Yes!

Link to post:

This month’s notes:


  • Teaching the youth. (cringe)
  • My closet. I have over 100 clothing items and I'm pretty sure I wear the same three shirts as often as I can...
  • My busy schedule has made it hard to keep my habits.
  • I relapsed several times. I continually had the mindset that my self-worth was equivalent to what another person thought of me. Whether it be (lack of) attraction to me or just someone else's bad day. I had some periods this month where my soul attached itself to the very things I spend time trying to avoid.
  • Every time I go on Bloglovin', I'm met with negative follower growth. :'(


  • I started an online college class!!!!!!!
  • Winter Jam was BOMB.
  • I look really good in mustard colored clothes.
  • Winter Retreat was cold but ah-mazing. <3
  • Cute guys are all over the place. Seriously. They're at the grocery store and they're waiting tables in restaurants and they're hiding in college bands. Say wuut.
  • My plants are growing.

How is your 2017 going so far, friend?


  1. I love your blog so much, I always find it a place for inspiration.

    but sweet girl-I think it's a healthy thing to have goals and to push yourself, but don't be TOO hard on yourself. You are such a beautiful, wonderful and inspiring person. Don't let these 'failures' get you down, you are only human. Give yourself a little grace.

    Thanks for sharing, -Jana

  2. I love this post so much sweet girl <3 I really admire you for sharing your goals and triumphs and disappointments with us- and it really encourages me! And honestly, all in all, it looks to me like you had a wonderful and productive month! I mean for real- reaching out to *5* new people? Wow. You are my hero. xD And you are beyond brave to teach your youth group <3 Also, I'm right there with you about the relapses, my friend. One day I'll feel totally comfortable with myself, and then I'll spend three days cringing because of what I *think* others are thinking of me. But it's all in the growth progress- and it doesn't happen overnight. <3
    I may try bullet journaling- it sounds like a good way to keep up with habits, something I've been dragging my feet about for a little while now.
    Thank you for sharing this! Congratulate yourself for all of your hard work and accomplishments! You rock! <3 <3


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xx Nicole Rose

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