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7 Ways To Shine a Spotlight on Your Inspiration

(an upgraded post)

1. Blogs

There are so many insanely awesome and inspiring blogs out there. There are blogs about writing, blogs about creative lifestyles, and even blogs about on blogs. It's truly amazing how accessible new creators are.

Action: Surf the web for blogs centered around your favorite things - Passions, hobbies, or newfound interests.

2. Books

From fiction to non-fiction, books are entryways into new worlds and knowledge. You'll find inspiration and enjoy a good story as well. Delve into the plot while developing attachments to the main characters. If the book is well written, this should come easily.

Action: Find at least one book you think is interesting. My favorites include Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. :)


Quotes are like motivational strips of words that fit easily in one's "inspirational pocket". Recently I've been collecting the ones that speak to me, writing them down on index cards and taping them to my bedroom walls. Whenever I look up from my computer screen there's something nearby that sparks inspiration, or gets me thinking. Perhaps you could do the same. Search for quotes or small phrases that touch you, and plaster them where you can see. React accordingly.

Action: Whether it be when you're scrolling through Pinterest or walking down the street, be on the lookout for a quote that strikes you to your core and resonates with you. Make sure to write it down.

4. Friends (or strangers...)

Conversations with friends are (sometimes) like fresh breaths of air. Communicating with other human beings allows us to get insight, learn, and even switch perspectives for a little while. And I'm not just talking about communication among friends. Talking to strangers is great. Listening to them is even better. I'm not telling you to stalk and eavesdrop, but when someone nearby is talking, listen. I have found inspiration in just learning the happenings of other's lives, and I bet you will too.

Action: Reach out. Listen. Do something nice for someone else. Ask other people about how they get past their creative blocks.

5. Art

It's time to whip out your old paints and paintbrushes, along with the clay, craft foam, glitter, and whatever else you may have stashed away. Get creative. Go hog wild and make a mess. When you're finished, hang your artwork on the wall, or set it on your desk. Stare at it. Study it. Allow it to inspire you in its imperfect way. Or, if you'd rather not make a big mess, there's always the simple task of Googling "inspiring artworks".

Action: Make good art.

6. Music

Plug your headphones in and take a trip to your iTunes, Spotify or the musical side of YouTube. Music is not only inspiring, it gives you a reason to get up and dance too. When I think of inspirational music, I think of Marina and the Diamonds, Christina Perri, Lorde, and (the ever so angelic) Adam Lambert. Musical tastes do vary from person to person, so if you don't like these artists, search for ones that fit your taste. Find a song that speaks to you and tear apart the lyrics, look at the meaning of the words. Ask yourself what the singer is singing about, and why it was so important to them to convey that through a song.

Action: Do you remember that song from your middle school days that you sang for days? Find it. Listen to it. Remember how it made you feel.

7. Dreams

Use your dreams as creative and inspirational fuel. Think of the dreams you had last night, or your actual goals. My personal dream/goal is to become a bestselling YA author, and I constantly have to remind myself that in order to get there, I have to write (you would think that would be easy to remember). Life gets in the way, and sometimes you just have to step back, realign yourself, and remember that you will accomplish your dreams - if you stay inspired. ;)

Action: Allow your brain to take you away. Daydream about what you want your life to be like. What's one thing you can do everyday to bring you closer to your dream?

What do YOU do when you need inspiration?


  1. These are wonderful ideas! I will definitely use some of these next time I need inspiration.

  2. Brilliant ideas:)
    Loved reading this!<3
    -Lauren xoxo

  3. I love your new blog design Rose! It's stunning. :)
    Ahaha, I could really use some inspiration to get writing. Thanks! xx

  4. Pinterest and Music, with those I feel like I can take over the world. Oh, and coffee :)

    1. Those are great! Especially coffee. ;)


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xx Nicole Rose

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