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June 2017

This is a transparent monthly reflection where I take the time to look back, view my progress and make adjustments.

I can sum up the month of June in one word: Unprepared.

A lot of things happened and though I'd love to complain about them, I need to move on and make adjustments.

Here is how my June went. :)

Monthly Project: Survive helping out at my church's camp.

Monday through Wednesdays from 8AM to 4PM 5 to 5:30PM. I had no idea I was volunteering for something that's equivalent to a part-time job (only exponentially harder because I'm horrible with kids). But as much as it's stressed me out, it's also opened my eyes the lives of others.

The kids I've been working with are bright, creative and loving. Gosh, all they do is love. Because that's what they crave. Someone who will love them back.

I think this is a small taste of what Jesus felt when God sent Him to earth. He saw all the broken souls and felt moved to love each and every one -- to the point where He sacrificed His own life. I am struck speechless...

Health → Exercise 3 days/week, drink 65oz. water/day

Exercise: 19/13* (146%)

Notes: If teaching kids to dance counts as exercise, I for sure overqualified for this. I mean, these dances get my heart pumping and my lungs wheezing. And then they ask CAN WE DO IT AGAIN? Yeesh. Who knew kid dances could help out with cardio? ;)

Water: 25/30 (83%)

Notes: It's become a habit to drink more water -- to the point where if I go more than 20 minutes without taking a sip, my throat dries out. O.o

Finances → Grow

June Income: $480

Notes: Sadly, circumstances and life meant I had to sell my tickets to see Twenty One Pilots... but at least I made a profit on them! :}

Career → Prep book for publication

Edit daily: 3/30 (10%)

Notes: You would think with 4 free days a week I would have this editing thing down. But life happens. I definitely want to apply myself more to my personal projects, but there's always someone who needs help or I just don't feel like doing it...

Anyone have any tips that get you motivated to edit a manuscript?

Personal/Spiritual Development → Have a quiet time every morning

I didn't track this

Notes: I strived to do this toward the end of the month, in the morning before going to camp where I would have to maintain my composure around 24 screaming children. It helped. Just spending fifteen minutes journaling, studying a verse or two and planting it in my heart really softened me. I could feel God working throughout the day, in me and others. I am so, so thankful.

Play/Recreation → Write 600+ words/day

How many days this month I wrote: 8/30 (27%)

Notes: Disappointing, yes, but understandable. I think this is a prediction for how the whole summer is going to go, really.

Service → Post on my blog (at least) once a month.

I posted this month on Self Known: Yes!! Here are the links:

Notes: Thank you thank you thank you thank you for being so incredibly supportive. YOU ARE SO AMAZING AND I WISH I COULD GIVE YOU A HUG!

June Favorites

  • See
    • Ouran High School Host Club - I loved this to the point where I could try to sneak in a few minutes of an episode while I was in the bathroom at my church camp. #noshame
  • Touch
    • My hair - I cut it a while ago and yet I still like to feel how short it is. o.O
  • Hear
    • Spotify Premium
  • Taste
    • Flourless chocolate cake
    • Chipotle
    • Peppermint gum
  • Smell
    • Cocoa
  • Wear
    • My "uniform" - My church tee and "mid thigh" shorts
  • READ
    • Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare (In progress BECAUSE IT'S LIKE 800 PAGES WUT)

How was your month, friend? Do you have any music suggestions for me? What do YOU do to motivate yourself to edit your writing? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Wow, that camp experience sounds crazy! Those things are always so thought provoking, though.

    I loved reading about your month, Rosie! <3

  2. Yay! Another Ouran High school Host Club fan. I love it so much!
    I do the edit one page thing, and then I treat myself with a show, or food, or some kind of reward. Seems to work.

  3. I WAS SO UNPREPARED FOR JUNE TOO OMG o_O I feel like my whole summer is going to be like that because WHY DOES IT GO BY SO FAST??? Anyway your goals are flawless and I need to do some of them myself. Especially drinking more water ugh!! I keep getting headaches and I know that it's from dehydration but I'm just too scattered to remember to drink water?? < BAD EXCUSE. I NEED MORE WATER. xD

    also that is SO SAD you had to sell your TOP tickets??? :''''(



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xx Nicole Rose

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