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This is a concept I came up with a million years ago * but I am just getting around to expressing. I guess some ideas take longer to formulate than others...

* Approximate

Humans fight for their rights all the time. It's time for your favorite characters to fight back as well.

I feel like everyone has read a book that clicks with them. That book that you want to share with friends, family, teachers, and even random people on the street because you feel it's just that good. (Bonus points if you've actually told a stranger about your favorite book.) I know that when I talk and rant about a book to my family members their eyes tend to glaze over, or their attention flits back to what they were originally doing. I don't blame them. I'm not the best at explaining things verbally. But that's not going to stop me from spreading the love I have for The Book.

On the flip side...

There is a small chance that when you do share your book, and someone does pick it up, they express that it was a disappointment. That they could hardly get through it. That it was a struggle and they couldn't relate at all. (insert keeling over and fangirl angst here)

I try not to take things like that personally but - OUCH. It's like you've physically abused my book child. It's okay honey, *strokes book* just shake it off.

If these things have ever happened to you - or if they haven't (YET) - I encourage you to keep reading. Because the solution is two simple words.

Book equality.

First, let's go back a little bit.

Maybe you've read a book that's amazing, but it hasn't gotten a lot of attention (dude, I could totally list 30 books right now, but I'll save that for later). Maybe you read a book that has been commonly misjudged or highly criticized (like Twilight or The Hunger Games). Maybe you just really like books and think that every book deserves a chance.

If so, you've already begun to express your support for book equality. What is this strange phrase, you may ask? And why on earth should you invest any time in it when you are already so busy?

My friend, I am so glad you asked.

What's book equality?

Book Equality is the simple acknowledgment that books are books and they mean different things to different people.

Book Equality is expressed through the sharing of a book you were excited about but also the understanding when others can not relate to it.

It is the simplicity of loving books and not bashing others in the head with them.

How are we going to give these books a chance?

Instead of -- how shall I put this? I can't say "judge". Because then I'll have to follow with "a book by its cover" and then you'll think me cliche. But that's precisely what Book Equality believers don't do. The cover judging thing. We skim, evaluate and decide not to sweat it when we don't connect with someone's story.

Books are like people. You click with them on different levels.

I mean, certainly, not everyone can be your best friend. You can't have 20 - 30 people who are extremely close to you. (Unless that's my limited introvert perspective talking...) So why bare your heart to every book you come into contact with?

So basically. To clarify and reiterate.

Book Equality is something you're already doing. It just... has a name now. And you're acknowledging the act.

Tis all.

My Book Equality List

  • The Hunt trilogy by Andrew Fukuda
  • Drought by Pam Bachorz
  • It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini (the movie is hilarious by the way)
  • H2O and Storm by Virginia Bergin
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart (I met her back in February 2016)
  • Claudia Gray: Her Firebird series is REALLY good and her newest series, Constellation has got me HOOKED!
  • After by Kristin Harmel
  • The Lone City series by Amy Ewing (AHHH)
  • Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
  • + 1,000 more...

Books I began but never finished

  • Graceling by Kristin Cashore
  • Through Her Eyes by Jennifer Archer
  • How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier

Do you have any book recommendations for me? :)


  1. This is so great!!! Let's see- I'm currently reading Unwind, and so far I love it. Ruta Sepetys is always phenomenal. And I also love Mary Higgins Clark novels!

  2. Thank you for the recommendations, Grace! I'll definitely look into them. :)


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xx Nicole Rose

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