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Learn to Play Life's Game

I know of this beautiful soul who has an amazing life. So much has been provided for her, and yet... she feels empty. She doesn't see herself as good enough, pretty enough or skinny enough. She assumes the world hates her because of the mistakes she's made. She's miserable in her own skin, constantly wishing to be someone else. And she's so tired of struggling that she feels that maybe it would be better just to end it.

After all, it would be better to say good-bye to a world that doesn't even want you in it, right?

But here's the thing. Life is a game. And we're all playing it. Our opposing player - the problem you are meant to face and overcome - is a nasty cheater. It stole the instructions, tampered with the game pieces and rewrote the rules in its favor. By shaking your confidence, it's made you think you can't win.

But you can!

(tell yourself that; say "I will win!" out loud. let the world know you mean business!)

You can win! How? By playing the game.

Here's how to play:

I've started this new pledge called "Learn To Play Life's Game". It's really simple and super easy to join - all you've got to do is pledge and paste (a button onto your sidebar ;).

And, um, why should I do this?

You've made it this far down the page for a reason, haven't you? Maybe you have felt like the ways I mentioned above, or maybe you wanted to decipher what I was getting at. The point is, you're reading this right now. And maybe that's a sign.

By pledging you're promising you'll play life's game no matter how hard it gets. Seems simple, right? It is! Plus, by making this promise you get a whole community of uplifting and helpful souls who will be not only be rooting for you, but backing you up as well. Doesn't that sound awesome?

Pledge requirements:

Follow the steps below to pledge today.

+ To pledge, please display one of the buttons below on your sidebar. This will not only show others your promise, but help spread the word as well. :)

Learn to Play Life's Game
Learn to Play Life's Game
Learn to Play Life's Game

+ Add your link to the list below (optional) so that others can have direct access to anyone who has pledged.


How long does my pledge last?

As long as you'd like it to. Personally, I'd recommend pledging for 2015, but you can pledge for six months, thirty days, or even just a week.

Have a question? Comment below and I'll answer them via comment/in this section of the page. :)


  1. Such a beautiful idea, Nicole. Love it. I think I'll pledge. <3

  2. This is beautiful! Great idea. I'm totally joining in:)

  3. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

  4. What a wonderful idea, I'm definitely in.. ♥


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All comments I receive are cherished for many hours after reading them. Thank you for taking the time to type something to me.

xx Nicole Rose

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