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Finding Beauty In Yourself



Beauty. That super unreliable thing a lot of us tend to worry about. It's a noun Google defines as "a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight".

Beauty is something our eyes see and allow our brains to process, deciding whether or not the object in front of us is aesthetically pleasing. This word, with its catastrophic description and limit to who and what it touches is diabolical, in its own sense. Because so often we allow it to be limited to what our eyes see - the physical flaws, the imperfections - not allowing us to look at the soul beneath the skin.

I believe we are all beautiful, both on the outside and the inside. And though it seems like we're not, like we're the only person in the whole world to have somehow received the mutant "ugly" gene, that's so not true. Our inner cores - our hearts, our souls - are ravishing in their own personal and unique way. We are human. Beings who are most often too quick to judge and decide, not stopping to consider what lies beneath the skin - a habit we should consider getting out of.

Especially when it comes to ourselves.

I can't speak for all of us, but I can speak for myself. When I have days where I'm feeling down about myself, looking in the mirror makes me cringe. Out of habit, I point out the flaws. "My nostrils are uneven. My hair is freaking out. Why does my shirt not hang right on my frame?" You get the point. I'm 89% sure I've talked about this before, so you may be thinking, "But Rose, what about all this talk of self-love and inner beauty and 'it's what's on the inside that counts'? If you can't even love yourself, why should we love ourselves?"

That's a very good question my dear reader. Which we'll get back to answering in just a sec.

You see, I have stressed the importance of self-love and inner beauty throughout my blog not only because I want you to love yourself, but because I have such trouble with it myself. I slip up and tend to progress backward when it comes to these things. I think that's why I gravitate toward these topics and become passionate about them, because I truly want to get my point across (to you AND me).

So, back to your question. Why should we love ourselves? Because not only is it beneficial, it's like this weight has been lifted off your soul. It's like you're seeing the world through new eyes...

I'm Rose. I'm seventeen years old and my nostrils may be uneven, but I love myself anyway.

What do you find beautiful about yourself?

Thanks for reading. <3
xx Nicole Rose


  1. this is a wonderfully inspiring post. thank you so much, Rose. <3

  2. Beautiful *giggle* and inspiring. Thank you <3

    1. *holds in giggle* Thank you, Christina. <3

  3. That was beautiful Rose ♥

    I was wondering, how do you place the pin it buttons on pictures?

    1. Thanks Autumn. :)

      I use an HTML code in the template. Would you like me to send it to you?

  4. *sniffles* Th-that was amazing, Rose. I-It really was... I'm speechless. Thank you, just thank you for posting this.



    question: how do you put those pretty lines between your quotes? I can't figure it out. >.<

    lots of love,


    1. Whoa, r-really? Thank YOU for reading. <3

      I LOVE YOU TOO. <3

      Haha, Leslie asked me the same thing! ;) Alright, so here's how you do it...

      In my blog post I used these two codes in the HTML:

      border-top: solid 2px #000000;
      border-bottom: solid 2px #000000;

      [ Note: You can change the color codes to fit your liking. ;) }

      They're basically the same, just "border-top" and "border-bottom". Next, I inserted the first code ["border-top"] into the HTML of the first line of the quote. And I did the same thing with the last line, using the second code ["border-bottom"]. ALSO, beside each border code I added a "padding: 20px;" to give the words some space. :)

      I hope that helped! :}


    2. Yes, really. <3 Anytime darlin', I love to read anything you write. :)

      hahaha... YES.


      ...I have no idea how to do any of that. :\ *sighs* -_- I'll wing it. Thanks anyways. <3

      also, I'm LOVING the new design. <3 It eez flaw-lessssssss.


  5. rosie, darling. that was just flawless. really.

    ditto, kenzie ;) i was wondering that, too...

    1. Thanks Emma. :)

      I put the instructions in the comment above, so just scroll up to check that out. ;)

  6. I love love this! It inspired me so much.

    a little bit of sunshine


    We love you Rose. :)

  8. You are an amazing writer, you have a inspirational way with words. I wish I could write like you.

  9. Thank you for this post! You are wonderful.


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All comments I receive are cherished for many hours after reading them. Thank you for taking the time to type something to me.

xx Nicole Rose

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