Recently I met this girl. She was energetic, talkative, and loved being the center of attention - but she wasn't that bubbly, perky, type of girl who just gets on your nerves, you know? Well, anyway, somehow we ended up talking about what we were going to with our lives [or something along those lines] and the first thing I said was; I want to be a writer. Her reply was blunt and to the point; I hate writing with a passion . Now, at first, I was offended. My mind was screaming "How the heck could you not like writing? Writing is a way of life! *rant, rant rant*" But then I stopped and thought about it. We all want and desire different things [and we all have different goals of what we want to become]. These are our God-given desires . Whether they be a part of our life or something we strive to be, we all want something; a certain place on this round planet we call home. For an example, let's use you, my [wonderful] reader. Maybe you want to be a write...
Authenticity is attractive.