Hey! I hope everyone is having a super amazing/happy/brilliant New Year's Eve! :) Since 2015 is super close (and since everyone is doing this too), I thought I'd share some of my favorite 2014 posts. Enjoy. <3 January How To Customize Your Text Selection Some Inspirational Photos I Found How To Add A Post Divider Things I Hate Happy Birthday Kenz February Lemons? Expanse How To Make Your Photos Fade On Hover (Bitter) Feelings Images My Bedroom Has Four Walls March How To Remove Shadow Borders From Your Photos Justin How To Remove Your Blog Pager Dots People. Emotions. April Hey There Mackenzie 4.12.14 Us. Wake up, darling . May Custom Pin It Button On Image Hover Withdrawn Pink Hair You Are Not Alone Clothes Don't Apply--In Summer Um, Rosie Don't Do Photography... June This soul. Mona Lisa // Painted Cheeks Why can't I just... Why do I write? The happenings of late. July Dear paper book, What are you ...
Authenticity is attractive.